For as along as I've been studying photography I have always heard: "Define your style". When I was younger that was harder to do. Not that I didn't know what my style was, I was afraid what people might think about it, or worse not get it. I was reminded of that recently from a comment made on facebook. Innocent comment, but it reminded me that everyone isn't going to like my "style". And you know what? so what. My favorite quote (excluding the bible) is, "If someone doesn't like you - it's none of your business".
That put's it into perspective. I think that is a good quote to live by, at least express your style by!
I'm often asked how I set me camera for some of my "style". I love photos that look like they were taken with a film camera. I know there are ways to do that in photoshop, but I'll share with you how I do it. (not a student of photoshop). The easiest way is to show you by giving you the settings for each image.
This first two were shot at F 3.5, ISO 250, SS 1/160.
Mom and Dad trying to get Buster (labradoodle) into position.
Boy and his dog...LOVE LOVE LOVE this image!
Shot at F3.5, ISO 100, SS 1/160.
Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Night Before Christmas
When I envisioned the set for Christmas cards this year I thought about families wearing their pj's. As if it wasn't hard enough to get all the kids's ready at one time, in the same outfit, I was hoping that some Mom out there would be successful in getting her hubby into pj's too. Well it happened! Yvette you so rock! This shoot was so much fun, and the 2yr old hung in there like a champ. (of course a fresh pack of smarties candies usually helps!) Here are a few sneak peeks!
This was so cute! They had just kissed under the mistletoe. The kiddo's were totally grossed out. Parents 1, Kids 0.
Merry Christmas ya'll!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
WHAT should we wear??
What should we wear? I get this question A LOT. It is usually followed by should we all wear white? To which I always answer - no, please don't wear white. Not that all white, (white shirt, blue jeans) doesn't look good it's just not my taste. I think white should be reserved only for the BRIDE.
I recommend monochromatic colors, like shades of blue, green, or tan. What color do you look good in? Does your family also look good in that color? Odds are they do. If not, you could also go with complimentary colors. The same shade of different colors, like fall colors with similar hue (light or dark).
When looking at a color wheel, complimentary colors are opposite each other.
The closer into the circle the darker the colors get (more black is added). I like the mid section!
This color wheel has the hue I like the best!
The colors are more muted like a watercolor.
For the Bonnie & Clyde shoot I also had shots taken of my family. I set the pose and camera settings and asked my sweet neighbor Val to snap away. Not her fault that the pictures weren't dynamo, I had trouble getting the kiddos to cooperate. I thought about telling them to do it for me for my birthday - AFTER the shoot. Oh well, will use that line next time. Although the expressions aren't the best I love how the outfits blend together. Mark and I are in black. Moving from left to right, Rach has some yellow and black in her outfit, Mark has black and yellow, I have black and blue, and Adam has Blue. It isn't monochromatic, but all of the colors compliment each other and we each have the same color on going left to right. I think it makes a more cohesive picture. Now if I can just get my kids to smile.
Happy Halloween, More Treats than Tricks!
I recommend monochromatic colors, like shades of blue, green, or tan. What color do you look good in? Does your family also look good in that color? Odds are they do. If not, you could also go with complimentary colors. The same shade of different colors, like fall colors with similar hue (light or dark).
When looking at a color wheel, complimentary colors are opposite each other.
The closer into the circle the darker the colors get (more black is added). I like the mid section!
This color wheel has the hue I like the best!
The colors are more muted like a watercolor.
For the Bonnie & Clyde shoot I also had shots taken of my family. I set the pose and camera settings and asked my sweet neighbor Val to snap away. Not her fault that the pictures weren't dynamo, I had trouble getting the kiddos to cooperate. I thought about telling them to do it for me for my birthday - AFTER the shoot. Oh well, will use that line next time. Although the expressions aren't the best I love how the outfits blend together. Mark and I are in black. Moving from left to right, Rach has some yellow and black in her outfit, Mark has black and yellow, I have black and blue, and Adam has Blue. It isn't monochromatic, but all of the colors compliment each other and we each have the same color on going left to right. I think it makes a more cohesive picture. Now if I can just get my kids to smile.
Happy Halloween, More Treats than Tricks!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
"Bonnie & Clyde" What a FUN Day!
When Phyllis asked me to take her and Dick's picture my heart literally leaped. I have always admired her. She's one of those women who doesn't talk about what she would like to do with her life. She does it. The Balcones Women's Association has held numerous fund raisers for Scholarship's for Westwood Seniors. Phyllis is the woman in charge of "Market Days", their largest fundraiser. These women aren't looking to raise hundred's of dollars - they are after the thousand's. Last year they gave $17,500 in scholarship money! That's what I call doing it!
"Bonnie & Clyde" was the perfect theme for Phyllis and Dick. She was gorgeous and he was handsome. What a lovely couple - inside and out. Here are a few sneak peeks!
I think this image is one of my best!
Here I am in action, of course on my ladder. My friend Art took this picture. He's the cool chap that let me borrow his beautiful 1928 Ford Model A. The next picture is the one I captured.
CRAZY about this image. Doesn't he look dashing? Cary Grant kinda dashing? I Think SO!
"Bonnie & Clyde" was the perfect theme for Phyllis and Dick. She was gorgeous and he was handsome. What a lovely couple - inside and out. Here are a few sneak peeks!
I think this image is one of my best!
They are both huggers.
Here I am in action, of course on my ladder. My friend Art took this picture. He's the cool chap that let me borrow his beautiful 1928 Ford Model A. The next picture is the one I captured.
CRAZY about this image. Doesn't he look dashing? Cary Grant kinda dashing? I Think SO!
If you see him at Balcones Country Club he might give you an autograph!
If you see him at Balcones Country Club he might give you an autograph!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Getting the Kid's Ready for pictures? UGH!
Although I take alot of pictures of my family - rarely are they together. So I thought I would get all of us together for our Christmas Card picture early this year. UGH! Can I just say I feel your pain? I thought about what we would wear for days, then tried to coordinate colors and styles. Double UGH! I understand why Mom's ask "Can't we just all wear white?". It is easier, yes. But the final product is usually better when you wear colors you love, and everyone's colors coordinate. Think shades of blues, brown, or a little of one color in everyone's outfit. If that is too complicated, just try not to clash with each other! I haven't finished editing the session from this weekend, but I can post some pic's of the awesome vehicle we had for the "Bonnie & Clyde" shoot. My friend Art brought his vehicle, he even had some bullet holes!
Monday, October 4, 2010
"The Night Before...Christmas" Limited Edition
Most of my sets begin as just an idea. But just like designing for any room in your house there is going to be a focal point. One item that you build the room or "scene" around. The excitement of Christmas for me isn't the actual morning. It's the night before. The excitement, the anticipation, the sweet family time. So excited to see the joy in someone's face that you have shopped for.
This year's Christmas card set is just that - "The Night Before Christmas". The settling in, the smell of baked goods mixed with cinnamon candles. It's the hot cocoa for the kids and a pretty champagne cocktail for the adults. (ok eggnog for some, just not me). It's reading the bestest nightime story. It's snuggling in an old iron bed.
I'm still working on the linen's, and will post the design drawings in a few days, but I found the bed!
So GLAD I found it. Isn't it perfect?
I found this jewel at one of my new favorite shops in Gonzales: Discovery Architectural Antiques, 409 St. Francis St, Gonzales, Texas. You can check them out line at:
Sweet! I CAN'T WAIT!!
This year's Christmas card set is just that - "The Night Before Christmas". The settling in, the smell of baked goods mixed with cinnamon candles. It's the hot cocoa for the kids and a pretty champagne cocktail for the adults. (ok eggnog for some, just not me). It's reading the bestest nightime story. It's snuggling in an old iron bed.
I'm still working on the linen's, and will post the design drawings in a few days, but I found the bed!
So GLAD I found it. Isn't it perfect?
I found this jewel at one of my new favorite shops in Gonzales: Discovery Architectural Antiques, 409 St. Francis St, Gonzales, Texas. You can check them out line at:
Sweet! I CAN'T WAIT!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Collin Welsh! Original! Is MINE!!!
Do you remember when you were a kid and wanted something really really bad? For me it was the easy bake oven. They were expensive in 19xx, to much even for Santa Claus. So I never got one. My best friend Carol Lewis got one though for Christmas in 2nd grade. We would make cookies when I went to her house. It was the coolest thing ever!
Well today I feel the excitement of finally getting something you really really really want! I have admired Collin Welsh's artwork for years. I LOVE her trees, and appreciated the "day of the dead" people. But when she posted a sneak peak of one of her dead people paintings on facebook for the Pecan Street festival I fell in love. It reminded me of friendship - and my friend Stacie.
I went to the festival to purchase an original of the trees. But there was the original I had seen on facebook. I knew it was suppose to be mine. I haven't decided where to hang the "Margarita Ladies" (as I've named them). But they are the coolest thing ever!
Well today I feel the excitement of finally getting something you really really really want! I have admired Collin Welsh's artwork for years. I LOVE her trees, and appreciated the "day of the dead" people. But when she posted a sneak peak of one of her dead people paintings on facebook for the Pecan Street festival I fell in love. It reminded me of friendship - and my friend Stacie.
I went to the festival to purchase an original of the trees. But there was the original I had seen on facebook. I knew it was suppose to be mine. I haven't decided where to hang the "Margarita Ladies" (as I've named them). But they are the coolest thing ever!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Westwood Senior Shoot - Elizabeth
When I first met Elizabeth I thought she was real quite. I still thought she was quite the second and third time I saw her. The fourth time? She started talking. Maybe it's because I'm the adult in the room. (WHEN did that happen?). She's not that quite, just shy. One of those people who listens and thinks more than talk. I wish I was more like her! Certainly in the legs department!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Forget Man UP! Granny UP at my house...
I didn't get alot of her things when she passed, Granny didn't have alot of material things. She had everything else in spades. The few things I do have of hers is spreadout through our house. No one would ever notice them, their not special to look at. A worn yellow towel I should have thrown out years ago. I keep it in the back of our towel closet. I remember her every time the laundry gets low.
An old 9x13 baking pan, that she probably paid $5 dollars for in 1978. But it has her name on the back where she scratched it into the pan with a knife. I love that baking pan, I swear my kitchen smells like Granny whenever I use it!
Granny was a force. She was stronger than just about any man in the neighborhood. She would work all day, and come home to rake her entire yard. Front and back, at 60+ years of age. If you weren't raised in the South, we raked our yard every week, no twigs, no limbs, and no pine needles.
When I decided to pursue photography and had doubts about my ability I would think about Granny.
I read magazines ALOT for posing ideas and trends. An advertisement the other day had "Man UP" on the caption. I laughed out loud. "Granny UP" is more like it!
I thought about that tonight. A recipe I had tucked into one of my cookbooks fell out as I was starting dinner. It was Granny's recipe for Peanut Butter Balls. Yum! These are great and you can easily make ahead.
Granny Tallent's Peanut Butter Balls
2 cups confectioner sugar
3/4 cup graham crackers (crushed)
1 tsp vanilla
1 stick butter (melted)
1 cup Peanut butter.
Mix all together, form balls (size of quarter), refrigerate 2 hours.
Melt chocolate bark, dip balls into chocolate with toothpicks.
So when you think your down and can't slay anymore dragons, just think to yourself "Granny UP"...if not fix these peanut butter balls - you'll feel better in NO time! Promise!
I can't remember who's birthday it was. But Granny was always in the spirit!
An old 9x13 baking pan, that she probably paid $5 dollars for in 1978. But it has her name on the back where she scratched it into the pan with a knife. I love that baking pan, I swear my kitchen smells like Granny whenever I use it!
Granny was a force. She was stronger than just about any man in the neighborhood. She would work all day, and come home to rake her entire yard. Front and back, at 60+ years of age. If you weren't raised in the South, we raked our yard every week, no twigs, no limbs, and no pine needles.
When I decided to pursue photography and had doubts about my ability I would think about Granny.
I read magazines ALOT for posing ideas and trends. An advertisement the other day had "Man UP" on the caption. I laughed out loud. "Granny UP" is more like it!
I thought about that tonight. A recipe I had tucked into one of my cookbooks fell out as I was starting dinner. It was Granny's recipe for Peanut Butter Balls. Yum! These are great and you can easily make ahead.
Granny Tallent's Peanut Butter Balls
2 cups confectioner sugar
3/4 cup graham crackers (crushed)
1 tsp vanilla
1 stick butter (melted)
1 cup Peanut butter.
Mix all together, form balls (size of quarter), refrigerate 2 hours.
Melt chocolate bark, dip balls into chocolate with toothpicks.
So when you think your down and can't slay anymore dragons, just think to yourself "Granny UP"...if not fix these peanut butter balls - you'll feel better in NO time! Promise!
I can't remember who's birthday it was. But Granny was always in the spirit!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Simpler Days...and A sense of Humor!
I didn't expect to wake up at 4:00 am this morning with a migraine - but I did, and YUCK! I've started getting them just in the last couple of years and they are as bad as everyone says. I feel for those of you who have had to endure those monsters all of your life. TRIPLE YUCK!
For my day job I drive and drive - ALOT. I am always on IH 35 headed North. This morning with a migraine from you know where I sat out for my destination at 7:30. This morning I detoured off 35 and went thru McGregor. McGregor is one of those small Texas towns that makes me sigh everytime I go thru them. I long for simpler days.
This morning I was surprised by a sign I saw in the window of a bank building downtown. So surprised when I drove by I said out loud "Did I just read what I thought I read? I had to turn around and go back.
Yep. That IS what it said. So glad someone in McClennan County has a sense of humor. I laughed out loud. The stress left my body. And finally so did my migraine. Thank you! Thank you!, to whomever owns that building.
For my day job I drive and drive - ALOT. I am always on IH 35 headed North. This morning with a migraine from you know where I sat out for my destination at 7:30. This morning I detoured off 35 and went thru McGregor. McGregor is one of those small Texas towns that makes me sigh everytime I go thru them. I long for simpler days.
This morning I was surprised by a sign I saw in the window of a bank building downtown. So surprised when I drove by I said out loud "Did I just read what I thought I read? I had to turn around and go back.
Yep. That IS what it said. So glad someone in McClennan County has a sense of humor. I laughed out loud. The stress left my body. And finally so did my migraine. Thank you! Thank you!, to whomever owns that building.
Sorry it's a pic from my Iphone. The caption reads : "Hey Barack, Don't go to Arizona, They ask for PROOF of Citizenship There!"
Happy Thursday!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Order of priorities...Did I get it right today?
Working full time and doing photoshoots 2-3 times a month keeps me hopping. I have dreams ALOT about whether I'm doing the right thing. I'll dream I'm busy working and forget to pick the kids up from school, or I'm busy playing with the kids and forget to go to work - or call my boss. I know most Mom's feel the same way, whether you work outside the home or not - you wonder if you should be doing it the other way around.
But the kids have gotten "into the act" from the beginning. Rach and I can be out shopping and when I stare off into space she'll say "You've got another photoshoot idea, don't you?". Nine times out of ten I do and I'll run it by her. It's kind of like when a golfer talks about how he used his 7 iron on number 12. Just not nearly as irritating!
A few days ago I needed to go downtown to capture some images for a series of Note Cards I'm designing. Mark didn't like the idea of me going by myself so we all went. It was a really busy downtown Saturday night in Austin. They dropped me off (with camera and ladder) in front of my landmark. I made quick work of it and we were on our way home. Maybe not as much fun as a round of golf - but just as much quality. And it didn't take four hours.
I strive to keep my priorities in the right order. I know sometimes my parenting skills are lacking. But I also know that doing what makes my heart sing gives me joy and a peace inside that is difficult to describe. Yesterday Rachel said "I am so Happy", "I just LOVE my life", with that she danced out of the room.
I danced right behind her.
I can't take a picture here's a recent snapshot!
But the kids have gotten "into the act" from the beginning. Rach and I can be out shopping and when I stare off into space she'll say "You've got another photoshoot idea, don't you?". Nine times out of ten I do and I'll run it by her. It's kind of like when a golfer talks about how he used his 7 iron on number 12. Just not nearly as irritating!
A few days ago I needed to go downtown to capture some images for a series of Note Cards I'm designing. Mark didn't like the idea of me going by myself so we all went. It was a really busy downtown Saturday night in Austin. They dropped me off (with camera and ladder) in front of my landmark. I made quick work of it and we were on our way home. Maybe not as much fun as a round of golf - but just as much quality. And it didn't take four hours.
I strive to keep my priorities in the right order. I know sometimes my parenting skills are lacking. But I also know that doing what makes my heart sing gives me joy and a peace inside that is difficult to describe. Yesterday Rachel said "I am so Happy", "I just LOVE my life", with that she danced out of the room.
I danced right behind her.
I can't take a picture here's a recent snapshot!
Although we have gotten rain lately, this is still Texas. The kids love it when Balcones water the greens!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Diamond's Girl's Best Friend...+Mink Coats
The Limited Edition Diamond's are a Girl's Best Friend - was so much fun! I also did Breakfast at Tiffany's on the day - totally a girl day. Here are some of the sneak peeks!
I couldn't decide if I like this better in color or Black & White Punch!
The next shoot is scheduled for Saturday September 18, go to the to schedule your session!
I couldn't decide if I like this better in color or Black & White Punch!
She was such a cutie, as Audrey - OR Marilyn!
If Diamond's are a girl's best friend - MINK came a close second this day!
One of my daugher's bestest friend's!
Today was all about glamour, LOVED IT!
The next shoot is scheduled for Saturday September 18, go to the to schedule your session!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Diamond's are a Girl's Best Friend!
The Breakfast at Tiffany's has been extremely popular, thank you so much to those who have participated! A friend of mine recently asked me though when was I going to do something for blondes? That gave me the idea of Diamond's are a Girl's Best Friend.
I finished the set this afternoon. Here are a few peeks!
Here are the gloves and diamond cuff's...
I can't wait until tomorrow!!! This and Breakfast at Tiffany's! Don't know if I can stand the excitement!
I finished the set this afternoon. Here are a few peeks!
Here are the gloves and diamond cuff's...
And a close-up of the cuff's!
There has to be sparkle!!
And lot's of Diamond's!
I LOVE the background. A warm chocolate with silver sparkle threaded throughout.
I can't wait until tomorrow!!! This and Breakfast at Tiffany's! Don't know if I can stand the excitement!
Monday, August 30, 2010
2011 Senior Model - Brielle Bataille - Cedar Park High School
Introducing our 2011 Senior Model for Cedar Park High School - Brielle Bataille
With a name like Brielle Bataille the girl just had to be fabulous right? Well she is. Sugar spice and just everything nice. She has a giggle that makes you think she is up to something. And you know, she just might be!
Brielle. Love the French name. And in this shot she looks it. The girl was working it.

Thanks to Val Almquist for the vintage evening gowns for the photoshoot!
If you are a friend of Brielle hit her up for one of her new Model Rep cards, will save you 25% on your Creation fee!
With a name like Brielle Bataille the girl just had to be fabulous right? Well she is. Sugar spice and just everything nice. She has a giggle that makes you think she is up to something. And you know, she just might be!
Minimal makeup. LOVE LOVE this image!!
Brielle. Love the French name. And in this shot she looks it. The girl was working it.

Thanks to Val Almquist for the vintage evening gowns for the photoshoot!
If you are a friend of Brielle hit her up for one of her new Model Rep cards, will save you 25% on your Creation fee!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Birthday Parties? - Tea Parties are the Best
When a dear friend was planning her 6 year old daughter's birthday party it was hard to not get as excited as she was. She had been planning this tea party for months! She had picked out the chairs, where she wanted the chandelier - you name it. Then life happens. It had to be postponed due to a family illness, then it was too stinkin' hot in Texas. August in Texas? I mean REALLY!
The day finally arrived and it was still a tea party, it wasn't outside, but it was still fabulous! The details were exquisite!
Aren't the decorations lovely!
The day finally arrived and it was still a tea party, it wasn't outside, but it was still fabulous! The details were exquisite!
Aren't the decorations lovely!
Aren't these the cutest? They had gloves and a hair boa!
What is a tea party without cookies?
And fresh fruit...
This was the birthday girl's seat.
Totally FAB party!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sometimes you just need a Haircut!
The second dog my husband brought home last year was a wheaton terrior. I was unfamiliar with the breed. The dog hair is like silk and grows and grows! It grows all around his face, which is cute, but it mats up so quickly!
If I don't have time to keep him combed out (and I mean the metal fine tooth dog comb) it can get pretty narly. What did I do with all of my free time before?? Any hoo, such was the case last week. Moby didn't seem to mind. Who wouldn't want a haircut in Texas in AUGUST. Here is the before and after pictures.
After: Do you really want to take my picture?
Ok I'll sit but I won't open my eyes!
This is the best I got.
I hope he's not embarrassed. At least now he can fit into his T-Shirts!
If I don't have time to keep him combed out (and I mean the metal fine tooth dog comb) it can get pretty narly. What did I do with all of my free time before?? Any hoo, such was the case last week. Moby didn't seem to mind. Who wouldn't want a haircut in Texas in AUGUST. Here is the before and after pictures.
After: Do you really want to take my picture?
Ok I'll sit but I won't open my eyes!
OK, I'll open my eyes but I won't be happy about it.
OK, OK I'll pose...
This is the best I got.
I hope he's not embarrassed. At least now he can fit into his T-Shirts!
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